NameModernisation of AR-2c datalogger to of AR-3c Datalogger in hoist III W KWK Szczygłowice - ruch Szczygłowice
Executed works scope
  • Supply of AR-3c Datalogger with communication module profiBUS and adaptation of a dustproof case
Time rangeJanuary 2014
Investor/General ContractorP.P.H.U Elcam Sp. z o.o.
Installation special features---
NameSupply of AR-4c dataloggers for mines in Russia Federation - projects: Kowdorski Gok, Wołgakalij, Nowaja
Executed works scope
  • Nowaja: Supply of 2 AR-4c dataloggers
  • Kowdorski Gok: supply of 4 AR-4c dataloggers for Kowdorski Gok PRO-12-01/a, PRO-12-02/a, PRO-12-04/a and PRO-12-05/a
  • Wołgakalij: supply of AR-4c datalogger for hoist #1
Time rangeFebruary 2014
Investor/General ContractorP.P.H.U Elcam Sp. z o.o.
Installation special features---
NameSupply of AR-3c datalogger in hoist SW-1 skip ZG Polkowice
Executed works scope
  • Supply of AR-3c datalogger with ProfiBUS communication module
  • Instalation of Logger application
Time rangeAugust 2014
Investor/General ContractorKGHM Polska Miedź SA
Installation special features---
NameSupply of AR-4c Datalogger in hoist R-VII ZG-Rudna
Executed works scope
  • Supply and start up of AR-4c datalogger with ProfiBUS communication module
  • Logger configuration
Time rangeOctober 2014
Investor/General ContractorKGHM Polska Miedź SA
Installation special features---
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